Five gloves displays

Five gloves displays

Presentation of gloves by Five Gloves on X.Light Alu

(Event furniture available for sale and rental)

Customizable, flexible, transportable and foldable travelling booth made by X.Light Display range of products.

Aluminum or wood display, Podium, Wardrobe, Reception Desk, Shelf Display…

Custom display on demand

Five gloves displays 1
Five gloves displays 2
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Five gloves displays 13
Let´s talk !

Choose your contact person according to your affinities:

You like jokari, electric xylophone, and marmite, contact Gilles
+337 82 12 70 25

You like sudoku, pan flute and coastal navigation, contact JM
​​​​​​​+336 08 37 06 51

You do not like any of this: Splash splash