News - 25.05.2023

Our cycle accessory stands by Zéfal in black

Our cycle accessory stands by Zéfal in black

When the French know-how of X.Light meets the French experience of Zéfal for the Velofollies show 🚲

X.Light, specialist in customizable displays, collaborated with Zéfal, the French specialist in bicycle accessories, for the Velofollies event which took place in Belgium.
This collaboration allowed us to create an exceptional exhibition space highlighting Zéfal's products thanks to X.Light's unique know-how.

Our cycle accessory stands by Zéfal in black

Our displays designed for this event are custom-made and modular, which has highlighted the Zéfal products in an optimal way. Moreover, they were customized with the brand's colors, offering an attractive and coherent visual rendering.
The "Wood" reception desk, customizable and removable, was also created by X.Light to complete the exhibition space.

We realized this reception desk to meet the specific needs of Zéfal and offer a practical and aesthetic solution to welcome visitors.
This collaboration between X.Light and Zéfal was a real success and demonstrated the unique know-how of these two French companies. Indeed, the experience and the professionalism of our brand as well as Zéfal's one allowed to create a quality exhibition space that attracted and satisfied the Velofollies visitors.

Our cycle accessory stands by Zéfal in black

#madeinfrance #mobiledisplay #display #zéfal #velofollies #cycles

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